Xander Wood Heater

The issue you get when you put a wood heater in is you loose that open fire appeal: the smoke smell, the crackle of live fire, the intensity

The Yunca Xander has a unique feature, the door opens down to give you the ability to run it as an open fire.

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And when you are done, close the door to turn your Yunca Xander back into a standard wood heater.

In standard wood heater mode, the 2-speed fan is automatic – it will turn on and off based on the heater’s performance.

When the heater is hot enough to push some serious heat, the fan will automatically turn on. When the fire dies down, the fan knows this and turns off.

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SKU: Yunca Xander Categories: , , , , Tag:


Height 569mm
Width 626mm
Depth 498mm




Flue size 150mm
Minimum flue height 4mts
Hot water No
Heating capacity 220m²
Efficiency 66%
Emissions 0.8grams
Wood length 300mm
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